Friday, February 1, 2008

In Hospital

Will write when can .

/ the cat sitter.


Anonymous said...

I am so sad that you had to go back to the hospital. I am thinking of you, and went back to re-read the "past posts I hope you read" listed on the side column, and felt sad again that some of those received no comments. While you can't write this weekend, I wish your blog-friends would re-read those extraordinary pieces of earlier writing and write comments for you to come home to. Your writing is powerful and poignant. Since posting those articles last fall, you have found good friends and readers. Love.

Synchronicity said...

oh my...i am worried. what has happened?

whimsical brainpan said...

I hope everything is ok. Well as ok as it can be when you're in a hospital. You're in my thoughts.


laughingwolf said...

sorry to hear that :(

get well quickslike....

Unknown said...

Oh my, I hope this is not serious. Will think of you and pray for you.

I will be here when you get back.

Hugs, Jim

Unknown said...

Oh my, I hope this is not serious. Will think of you and pray for you.

I will be here when you get back.

Hugs, Jim

tanya m said...

plz call if i can do anything

susan said...

Please keep us informed and give her my best please.

Unknown said...

Sorry to here about the most recent news with your being in the hospital.

Wishing you a fast recovery. I'm praying for you girl.

Peace Out - Aero

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Synchronicity said...

are you back yet?